Greetings Friends of Small Steps!
This year’s tournament was held on Thursday, September 12, 2024, at the Heidelberg Country Club and it was a great success! 40 golfers participated in a fun day of golf with over 35 sponsors supporting the outing. Thanks again for all your support with the scholarship fund over the years…it was another great year adding over $8,000 to the scholarship fund!
Since the inception of the scholarship fund, Small Steps has been able to award 103 scholarships with a total of $65,500 going to deserving young adults from Conrad Weiser High School.
The Small Steps Scholarship Fund was founded by Brad R. Small, a graduate of Conrad Weiser High School and Elizabethtown College. Brad is the Managing Partner at CoActive Wealth Strategists, LLC and is a Registered Representative with American Portfolios Financial Services, Inc. which is not affiliated with CoActive Wealth Strategist, LLC. Small is also an active community leader.
Brad’s strong commitment to the community and desire to encourage youth in pursuit of their professional dreams led to the creation of the Small Steps Scholarship Fund in 2000. The Scholarship is awarded annually to the students who share the same commitment to school and the community as Brad does. The recipients should demonstrate leadership by example, perseverance through obstacles, and the ability to turn challenges into opportunities.
Remember to make it a great day!